Check-list Check-list


Surrender of Indian Passport

1. A person who has ceased to be Indian citizen by virtue of Section 8 or Section 9 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 is required to surrender the documents which he had acquired on the basis of his Indian citizenship to the authorities concerned. Indian Passport is one such document which needs to surrendered after acquiring foreign nationality.

2. Online application for surrender of Indian passport can be made at the link

Steps to apply

(i). Register by clicking on "Register" Link

(ii). Login with the registered login ID and Password on "User Login" link

(iii). In the Applicant Home Page, click on "Surrender of Indian Passport" link to file a new application.

3. Print out of the application and one recent color photograph Size 2*2, photograph should be pasted in the PHOTO box provided.

4. Both pages of the application should be signed in the boxes provided.

5Documents required:

a. Duly filled form as mentioned in above paras.

b. Original passport if not submitted to the foreign authorities or Copy of the last Indian passport held (first and last page only) if submitted to the foreign authorities.

c. Declaration form to fill out, if you have submitted your original passport to foreign authorities and did not obtain any certificate for submission of your Indian passport to foreign authorities or obtained a certificate but your Indian passport number is not mentioned in the certificate.

d. Copy of City Registration/Address Proof (Meldebescheinigung/Personalausweis).

e. Copy of Nationality Certificate (Einbuergerungsurkunde/Einbuergerungszusiche rung).

Note: Original Passport is Mandatory for application with (Einbuergerungszusicherung)

f. For delivery of the certificate by post please submit a self-addressed and stamped envelope (Euro 4.50) of size C5 along with your application.

6. For submission of application form at the consulate personally, please obtain an appointment as per the link given on the homepage of the consulate. (

7. Application Fee of Euro 22/- can be paid at the counter by cash only. For bank transfer, payment may be made in advance (because it takes 2 to 3 days to get reflected in our bank account) to the Consulate Bank Account (click here for Bank details) and attach a copy of the transaction slip with the application as reference for payment.