No Objection for Newborn Name No Objection for Newborn Name

No Objection for Newborn Name

Check-List of Documents:-

  • 1. Duly filled in Miscellaneous application form
  • 2. Self-attested copy of current Indian passports of both the parents (Front and last page)
  • 3. Copy of the Visa/Resident Permit
  • 4. City Registration (Meldenbischingung)
  • 5. Requisite Fee
  • 6. Proof of Birth of the Child as this certificate cannot be issued in anticipation of the birth.



  • Processing Time: 7 working days from the date of receipt of application in the Consulate.
  • Fee details- Click here


For any query related to Misc. Services, please write at . In case you do not get any reply within 7 working days you may write at
