Requirement Of OCI Card Renewal Requirement Of OCI Card Renewal

Requirement Of OCI Card Renewal

With effect from 16.04.2021, the requirement to renew OCI card (each time a new passport is issued) has been simplified and made easier. The revised simplified guidelines are as follows:

     Category I:     OCI card issued on the basis of Indian origin/descent:

  1. Above the age of 20 years when a new passport is obtained.

OCI card is required to be renewed only once when new passport is obtained.

[For example, when new passport is obtained at the age of 26, then OCI Card can be renewed only at that time and not after completing the age of 20 years.]

IMPORTANT: For this purpose, an OCI Miscellaneous Service application is required to be filled online and submitted to Indian Consulate.

NOTE: All original documents will be required for verification.

Application for Misc. OCI card is to be filled online on the web portal (Click Here).

Checklist of documents: -

  • Print-out of the OCI application filled on the web portal should be taken and both the parts - Part A& B should be signed. (Application Form Category: OCI Misc. Services).
  • Two (2) recent photographs measuring 50x50 mm (One photograph should be pasted on the application in the photograph box and one should be sent along with application)
  • Original OCI card
  • Copy of present passport
  • Copy of City Registration/Address Proof (Meldebescheinigung/Personalausweis.


Submission/Collection of Documents:

Please follow the link:


Delivery Time: 8 to 10 weeks from the date of receipt in the Consulate.

  1. All other cases - No need of renewal of OCI card.

Only following documents are to be uploaded at OCI portal under OCI Miscellaneous Service application: ü Copy of the new passport containing the photo of the passport holder.

  • Latest photo of the OCI card holder.

Documents are to be uploaded at OCI portal under OCI Miscellaneous Service application - Services for updation of information in OCI records (Gratis Service) - Passport Particular Updation or Address/Occupation updation

(Click here to check a sample application of Passport Particular Updation).



  • For this purpose, an OCI Miscellaneous Service application is required to be filled online.
  • Auto generated email will be automatically sent to the applicant confirming that documents have been successfully uploaded.
  • There will be no restriction on the OCI cardholder to travel to/from India during the period from the date of issue of new passport till the date of final acknowledgement of his/her documents in the online system.

Note: No requirement of submission of application at the Consulate.

Category II - OCI Cards issued to foreign spouses of Indian nationals/OCI cardholders: No need of renewal of OCI card.

Each time a new passport is issued

Only following documents are to be uploaded at OCI portal under OCI Miscellaneous Service application:

  • Copy of the new passport containing the photo of the passport holder.
  • Latest photo of the OCI card holder
  • Declaration from the OCI cardholder and his/her Indian spouse or OCI cardholder spouse stating that their marriage is still subsisting.
  • Copy of the Indian passport of the Indian spouse/passport and OCI card of the OCI cardholder spouse.

Documents are to be uploaded at OCI portal under OCI Miscellaneous Service application - Services for

updation of information in OCI records (Gratis Service) - Passport Particular Updation or Address/Occupation updation

(Click here to check a sample application of Passport Particular Updation).


  • For this purpose, an OCI Miscellaneous Service application is required to be filled online.
  • Auto generated email will be automatically sent to the applicant confirming that documents have been successfully uploaded.
  • There will be no restriction on the OCI cardholder to travel to/from India during the period from the date of issue of new passport till the date of final acknowledgement of his/her documents in the online system.

Note: No requirement of submission of application at the Consulate.

For any other query related to OCI Misc. Application please write at In case you do not  get a reply within 7 days. please write at