The Right to Information under the provisions of the RTI Act is available to the citizens of India only. RTI Act is an important legislation designed to promote transparency and accountability in the functioning of public authorities.
The full text of the RTI Act is available on the website: RTI-Act.pdf
The RTI Act also provides for appeals by aggrieved persons to the Central Information Commission of the Government of India.
Indian citizens may seek information in writing on payment of requisite fee during office hours on working days as per procedure laid down in the RTI Act, 2005.
Contact details of officers for addressing applications under Right to Information Act, 2005:
Central Public Information Officer
Mr. Abhinav Kumar, Consul (CPV & PIO)
Email:conscpv[dot]munich[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in ]
Appellate Authority
Shatrughna Sinha Consul General Email:cg[dot]munich[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
Fees for RTI Application - Applications seeking information under the Act may be sent along with a fee in Euro equivalent to INR 10/- (Indian Rupee ten only) by cash at the official rate of exchange fixed by the Government of India, in account No. 658709488 (BLZ 70020270) of the Consulate General of India, Munich with HypoVereinsbank, Munich. The Official Rate of Exchange for each month can be checked with the Public Information Officer (PIO) of the Consulate.
It may be noted that information provided under the Act is available to citizens of India only. Applications should be submitted along with documentary proof of Indian Citizenship (like copy of personal particulars pages of passport). More information is available at http://rti.gov.in. The mailing address is Consulate General of India, Widenmayerstrasse 15, 80538, Munich.
It may also be pointed out that as per section 6(1) (a) of the RTI Act, 2005, a person who desires to obtain information under the Act is required to submit the application to the Information Officer of the “concerned public authority”. Applicants are, therefore, advised to send their requests under the RTI Act to the Consulate only when the subject matter can reasonably be presumed to pertain to the Consulate. While section 6 (3) provides for the transfer of an application by a receiving PIO to another [concerned] PIO, this is clearly meant to cover situations where the application is addressed to a PIO on the assumption that it has been directed to the concerned PIO. Where the information required obviously does not pertain to the Consulate, the application may be addressed to the concerned PIO directly.
Payment of RTI fee online - Electronic Indian Postal Order (eIPO)
The scheme of Electronic Indian Postal Order (eIPO) has been launched by the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, in association with Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). This would enable the Indian citizens abroad to pay the RTI fee online.
An Indian Postal Order can be purchased electronically by paying a fee on-line through e-Post Office Portal or through India Post website. The web-links for payment are:
The Credit Card or Debit Card of any bank powered by Visa/ Master can be used for this purpose.
The RTI applicant is required to register on the website to create his/ her profile. Then he has to select the Ministry/ Department from whom he desires to seek information under the RTI Act. The eIPO is generated which can be used to seek information from that Ministry/ Department only. A printout of the eIPO is required to be attached with the RTI application sent in hard copy. In case RTI application is filed electronically, the eIPO is enclosed as an attachment. The profile is required to be created during the first time only.
The RTI application accompanied by an eIPO is similar in all respects to the RTI application accompanied by fees through any other approved mode. All the provisions regarding eligibility, time limit, exemptions etc; as provided in the RTI Act, 2005 continue to apply. Currently, this facility is available only for Indian Citizens living anywhere other than in India. By this measure, those living abroad would be facilitated to seek information under the RTI Act, 2005. It is hoped that in future, this facility would be extended to all citizens within the country too. Any public authority which accepts a postal order should also accept an eIPO.
Extension of IPO Facility to Indians citizens residing in India
The Department of Posts has extended the “eIPO” (electronic Indian Postal Order) service to Indian citizens residing in India also w.e.f. 13.02.2014, for purchasing Indian Postal Order electronically by paying a fee online through e-Post Office Portal i.e. www.epostoffice.gov.in. It can also be accessed through India Post website www.indiapost.gov.in
This facility has been provided for Indian citizens to facilitate them to seek information from the Central Public information Officers (CPIOs) under the RTI Act, 2005. Debit or Credit Cards of any Bank powered by Visa/ Master can be used to purchase e-IPO.
The user needs to get registered at the website. He has to select the Ministry/ Department from whom he desires to seek the information under the RTI Act and the eIPO so generated can be used to seek the information from that Ministry/Department only. A printout of the eIPO is required to be attached with the RTI application. If the RTI application is being filed electronically, eIPO is required to be attached as an attachment.
This facility is only for purchasing an Indian Postal Order electronically. All the requirements for filling an RTI application as well as other provisions regarding eligibility, time limit, exemptions etc. will continue to apply.
An eIPO so generated must be used only once with an RTI application.
Information required under Section 4(1)(B) of RTI Act, 2005
Information about the Consulate General of India, Munich
Under Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act, 2005
Budget utilization Budget utilization during Financial Year 2020-21
(i) The particulars of its organization, functions and duties;
The Consulate General of India is headed by Consul General and has the following Wings: (a) Political Wing (b) Chancery Wing (c) Press, Culture, and Information Wing (d) Commerce Wing, and (e) Consular Wing. These Wings are headed by a Consul rank officer.
The functions of the Consulate, inter alia, include political and economic cooperation, trade and investment promotion, cultural interaction, press and media liaison, and scientific cooperation in bilateral and multilateral contexts.
Consulate functions within the purview of business allocated to the Ministry of External Affairs under the Government of India’s Allocation of Business Rules and Transaction of Business Rules.
(ii) The powers and duties of its officers and employees;
General Administrative powers are derived from IFS (PLCA) Rules, 1961as amended from time to time.
Financial powers of the Officers of the Consulate General of India have been detailed in the Delegated Financial powers of the Government of India’s Representatives Abroad.
Other powers are derived from the Passport Act of India.
The Officers of the Consulate function under the guidance and supervision of the Consul General.
(iii) The procedure followed in the decision-making process, including channels of supervision and accountability;
Decisions are taken under the instruction and supervision of the Consul General.
(iv) The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions;
Norms are set under the instructions and supervision of the Consul General.
(v) The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions;
IFS (PLCA) Rules, 1961 and its annexures giving decisions taken by the Government under the Rules, Delegated Financial Powers of Government of India’s Representatives abroad, The Passport Act, Manuals on Office Procedures, Other Central Government Rules and Manuals published by the Central Government.
(vi) A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control;
Classified documents/files relating to India’s external relations; Unclassified documents/files including joint statements, declarations, agreements and MoUs; Passport and consular services application forms.
(vii) The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof;
Consulate General of India functions within the norms of India’s foreign policy formulated by the Ministry of External Affairs. The policy is implemented by the Consulate under the guidance and supervision of the Consul General.
(viii) A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for the public;
Consulate interacts regularly with representatives of think tanks, academic community and others.
(ix) A directory of its officers and employees;
A directory is given at
(x) The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations;
A statement of monthly remuneration is at Annexure-II
(xi) The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made;
The Budget figures for the current financial year as well as for the previous two years are given in the statement at Annexure-III
(xii) The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes;
The Consulate does not have any subsidy programme.
(xiii) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it;
No concessions/permits are granted by the Consulate.
(xiv) Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form;
The Consulate’s website has the required information.
(xv) The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use;
The Consulate website has the required information.
(xvi) The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers;
Public Information officer:
Mr. Yogendra Pal
Consul & Head of Chancery
E-mail. hoc[dot]munich[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
Address: Consulate General of India
Widenmayerstrasse 15, 80538 Munich
Appellate Authority:
Mr Mohit Yadav
Consul General
e-mail: cg[dot]munich[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
Address: Consulate General of India
Widenmayerstrasse 15, 80538 Munich
(xvii) Such other information as may be prescribed and thereafter update these publications every year;
The Consulate’s website has information which is updated on a regular basis.
Fees: Indian citizens desirous of information under RTI Act, 2005 may deposit Rs.10/- (Indian Rupees ten only), in equivalent Euros at the official rate of exchange fixed by the Government of India, in account No. 658709488 (BLZ 70020270) of the Consulate General of India, Munich with HypoVereinsbank, Munich. The Official Rate of Exchange for each month can be checked with the Public Information Officer (PIO) of the Consulate.
The fee can also be paid online through the portal of Department of Posts, http://www.epostoffice.gov.in
. Please select Electronic Indian Postal Order (e-IPO). This facility has been provided for Indian Citizens abroad to enable them to purchase a Postal Order electronically to seek information under the RTI Act, 2005. The User needs to get himself registered at the website. He has to select the Ministry/Department from whom he desires to seek the information under the RTI Act and the e-IPO so generated can be used to seek information from that Ministry/Department only. A printout of the e-IPO is required to be attached with the RTI application. If the RTI application is being filed electronically, e-IPO is required to be attached as an attachment.
Manuals: All manuals related to the functioning of this Consulate under Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act, 2005, can be accessed by contacting the Public Information Officer on all working days from 0900 to 1730 hrs. Detailed information related to the RTI Act, 2005, in respect of this Consulate is available at our website www.cgimunich.gov.in under Right to Information.
This facility is only for purchasing an Indian Postal Order electronically. All the requirements for filing an RTI application as well as other provisions regarding eligibility, time limit, exemptions etc. will continue to apply.
Information required under Section 4(1)(B) of RTI Act, 2005